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Campus Manitoba serves the peoples living on the land known as Manitoba. As discussed in the Pulling Together: Manitoba Foundation Guide (Brandon Edition):

In the subtitle, we struggled with the name “Manitoba.” On the one hand, it is a name applied to a bordered area created through colonization. On the other hand, it is a name that has been adapted from Indigenous language and, as has been observed, was suggested by Louis Riel himself—acclaimed Métis leader and founder of the Province of Manitoba.

Manitoba: The most common and widely accepted source of the name is from the Cree words ‘manitou’ (Great spirit) and ‘wapow (sacred water)’, or the Ojibway word ‘Manito-bau’. These names refer to the narrows of Lake Manitoba, where waves dashed against rocky shores of Manitou Island. These sounds were thought to be sacred beats that dashed throughout Creation and created beauty, definition and meaning. It is the voice of the Great Spirit, Manitowapow (Sinclair & Cariou, 2011, pp. 4–5).

Our administrative office is on Treaty 2 territory, with offices in Treaty 1 territory. Treaty 2 territory is the traditional territory of the Dakota Oyate, Anishinaabeg, and the National Homeland of the Métis Nation. Treaty 1 territory is the traditional territory of Anishinaabek and the National Homeland of the Métis Nation. We thank the Indigenous communities of Turtle Island for both the historic and ongoing stewardship and protection of the land we collectively inhabit today.

As an organization, we recognize the past and present systemic injustices that exist for the First Peoples of this land. Let this land acknowledgement be a call for all of us to learn more about the land we live on and envision a way to challenge racism, inequality and colonialism. Working alongside all Nations, Indigenous and non, we strive to provide access to education – reducing barriers and lifting our community as a whole.

Explore these resources to learn more about Indigenous history and work towards truth and reconciliation:

Learn the land you are situated on:

Learn about Indigenous history and Truth & Reconciliation:

Learn about Manitoba Indigenous Organizations:

Learn about Canadian Residential Schools:

Learn about Indigenous educational opportunities:

Learn about action in Manitoba’s Post-Secondary institutions:

Learn about Friendship Centres:

Learn with children on Truth and Reconciliation Week:

News worth sharing

Published On: September 26, 2022|Categories: Announcements|Tags: |

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